Well, I know it has been a damn long time since I have written anything other than one-sentence Facebook status updates and cryptic tweets. Actually I have started a couple of times on some blog entries, but nothing was really sticking. Enter today's subject: Believing in yourself.
As a personal trainer, I am required to keep up with continuing education classes in order to keep my certification. I usually choose to go to all-weekend/all-consuming fitness conferences rather than taking online courses because I feel like I am more of a hands-on person and, well- to me, it's just easier to bang it all out it in one weekend. Although I absolutely LOVE to workout all day long, this conference came at a tough time of year as hard-core training is in full swing for me. Doing squats, lunges and core work all day can make it tough to just sit down and stand up, let alone do a long, hard all day workout for which the coach is assigning some pretty high targets.
I woke up Saturday morning wondering how I was going to get out of bed and tackle 5 miles at an "easy 7:30 minute/mile" pace at 5:30 in the morning through the chilly streets of Philadelphia. No music, and no one but a couple of shady characters here and there to keep me company. First couple minutes were pretty sluggish, but I had faith and believed in myself. Sure enough, I was feeling pretty great and like most runs, I soon found myself wearing a grin running down South Street.
I went back for more fitness classes all day Saturday and then straight to a benefit for a friend. Seeing old friends that I have not seen IN 17 YEARS (whoa) and hearing a couple stories of their personal successes was inspiring and rejuvenating! Nonetheless- I knew that I had my work cut out for me on Sunday and it sure as hell wasn't going to be easy.
I managed to get a decent sleep in on Sat/Sun night/morning. I woke up and was a little concerned that I had to call for help to get out of bed, he he! Eating my breakfast, and reading my emailed workout for the day, going through my head was "holy friggin crap, I am in for a world of hurt and there is just no friggin way, just no friggin way". And then it occurred to me: I had a choice. I could either believe in myself or I could give up before even trying. Now- I would never just officially give up and NOT DO THE WORKOUT- but isn't giving up in your mind just as bad as physically giving up? I said to myself: "hell yes, I am going to do this, and I am going to give everything I have!" Needless to say- with legs SO FATIGUED, SO FRIGGING SORE FROM SQUATS AND LUNGES THAT I COULD HARDLY GET MY SORRY ASS ON A TOILET SEAT WITHOUT ASSISTANCE I not only met the targets set by coach, I friggin CRUSHED IT!!!!
So- my point is this (yes, there is one): we all have doubts of our own capabilities. Even those of us whose job it is to inspire our clients, friends, family, etc. feel like our goals are bigger than our bodies can handle. I don't wake up every day and the first thought in my head is YES I CAN. I, JUST LIKE YOU have doubted what is possible. However, I then let my brain wake up and realize one thing: dream it, BELIEVE IT, achieve it. Most of you reading this are now adults. You don't have parents, teachers, coaches and/or schoolmates standing at the pool deck, on the side of the track, at your locker or in your bedroom saying to you: "I believe in you! You can do it [enter your name here]! You are a winner! You are going to do this, etc." Even though I have a coach, he most certainly is not standing in my basement or riding a bike along side of me while I run screaming in my face: "GO KATE, YOU GOT THIS, I BELIEVE IN YOU, PUSH, PUSH, PUSH". My motivation, just like your's, comes from me, not a cheer squad. Reaching your goals is not about being an elite athlete or having a personal cheerleader with you every step of the way. We all have doubts, however, we have two choices. You can choose to give up before even trying; to throw in the towel before the game has begun. Or you can choose to fight, TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Your dreams and goals aren't any further than what you believe is possible. So, don't give up on yourself- even when you and everyone around you is thinking "there is just no way", you have that choice- and should always choose to believe in yourself. Even if you fall flat on your face, you get back up, dust yourself off and get back on your horse.
"The deepest cuts are healed by faith... NOW I BELIEVE"